Sunday, 24 May 2015

Last day of school!


Friday was my last ever official day at school, which is just crazy! My two years at my sixth form have gone so quickly and I honestly can't believe it's all over already (except those dreaded exams of course!).

I've been dreading leaving for ages but so far I haven't found it bad at all. I know it sounds odd but the main reason I've been getting so upset is because I'm leaving teachers that have helped me so much and are just ridiculously lovely, which I talked about here. I know I'll keep up with my mates, so for me that isn't a worry, although I can totally understand why it would be.

My school has this great tradition where the last day is muck up day. It's basically where the whole year plays practical jokes on the rest of the school. There were hundreds of photoshopped pictures of various teachers such as the senior management team as characters in Game of Thrones. We also put crickets throughout the school, parked a tractor in the headteacher's parking space, turned all the outside furniture upside down, kidnapped younger siblings from classes etc. It was absolutely hilarious!

To finish the day off we had a formal assembly where we went up on stage and were presented with a photograph of our year (which we'd had taken a couple of weeks ago) by our head of year, head of sixth form and headteacher. The senior prefects then performed a dance using music we'd listened to from the age of five onwards. The year went crazy throwing balloons, bouncy balls and blow up sharks (yep, odd I know but it happened!) across the whole school assembly. We then all sang the hymn Jerusalem before we were applauded out by the rest of the school. Everyone changed into their prep school uniforms, except me and my mates as we didn't go to a prep school, before the BBQ and water fight.

I absolutely loved my last day and it definitely wasn't as emotional as I'd been expecting, although I think that's because we were constantly kept busy by the vast number of activities as well as pranks through out the day.

Hope you enjoyed reading about my last day!



  1. It sounds like you had an amazing last day! I can't actually remember my last day of sixth form very well, although I do remember my head of year gave us the same speech as my Mr Gilbert does in The Inbetweeners when they leave as well ha!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. That sounds hilarious! Our headteacher based his speech on some rap about suncream - the weirdest thing I've ever heard! It must be some tradition amongst teachers to find the weirdest stuff to talk about haha :) Love your blog by the way xx

  2. I remember my last day of school I remember being so excited about it because I didn't like school that much. Although now I do actually kinda miss it not the actual school part or being with people I didn't like but I miss hanging round with my friends who I got to see and talk to every day. But it's also quite exciting seeing where you'll head to next in life :)

    1. I know what you mean, I'm really going to miss seeing my friends every day although I'm hoping with Facebook and Skype etc I'll still be able to keep in contact although I know it won't be the same :( yes, I agree I'm definitely excited for the future! I think I would be more if I knew for sure what I was doing next year but I'll have to wait until results day for that!


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